The Day Everything Changed

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I am an Accountant working as an admin in a school, and I also had a side business as an affiliate in an aviation company. Averagely, I wasn't doing bad, but deep down I knew I wanted to do more. Tech has always intrigued me and I didn't know how to go about it. This particular day, while I was on my way to work, I saw Mrs. U, an old friend I knew way back. I was surprised to see her in my neighborhood. As we were catching up, I found out that she was training at a school nearby as a Frontend Developer. For a Pharmacist? This piqued my curiosity and I wanted to know more. This was an answer to my prayer because like I said earlier, I wanted to know about tech. She explained different aspects of tech to me and asked for areas I'd be interested in. I told her I'd been eyeing data science or data analytics. The school she was attending wasn't offering this two courses so she advised me to go for Backend Development, this, she said would be closer to the courses and I would transition smoothly. She painted beautiful pictures for me about opportunities that come with being a Backend Developer... Topmost was working remotely! Yay me!!! I already pictured myself having time for my family while earning good money. The morning was getting better and better....

But then I'd have to resign from work because the school ran from Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm except for Saturdays which would be 10am to 2pm for 6 months Bootcamp. Hmmmm! The wheels began to turn in my head. Resigning from work is on one level but then I am a mother of two girls that are below 9years of age. I don't have a housekeeper. My job was a bit comfortable because it was close to my house and I closed on time. My side business hasn't grown to the point that it would tide me over for the duration of the training without my salary. Also, they write exams at the school at the end of every month, if you fail after two consecutive times, you will be shown the door. This was a very difficult decision to make. I sadly looked at Mrs. U and I thanked her for her time, we exchanged contacts and promised keep in touch. Before she left, she reminded she had three kids that left 5months ago in another state(7 hours away), just to attend this training. She advised me to think it through and of course discuss with my husband. And to also try to ramp up my side business so I can make more money while I trained as a Backend Developer.

I pensively went to work. A lot of scenarios ran through my mind. The thought of leaving my comfort zone. How would I survive for six months without working? How will my children cope? My husband had pressing things he was doing and his hands are literally full,. My social life will also come to a halt because this was going to be time consuming. I weighed my options. The Bootcamp will be accepting applications in a month's time according to Mrs.U after sending in your pitch, if accepted, you'd write an online examination. If you pass this examination, you'd be invited to an interview. The whole thing had me tied in knots and I was considering letting the opportunity slide...